Xcase for i: complete solution addressing the specific challenges of database modernization on the IBM i.

Built on three decades of expertise in SQL database design and best practices, Xcase for i is a complete database design, modelling and modernization solution. Its rich history of customization for specific database environments has resulted in tightly-integrated solutions with unmatched functionality and value. Unlike other database design and modelling solutions, Xcase for i fully addresses the specific attributes of the IBM i database.

Bring more power to your teams:

Graphical Database Designers

State of the Art Dev graphical database environment. Assisted design and administration.


More collaboration with shared documentation and common database understanding.


Advanced snapshot management to conduct efficient and independent regression testing.

Anonymization Manager

Rule-based anonymization engines to comply with regulations and security requirements.

Content Manager

Produce compact, coherent and representative databases from production. Quickly provide specific production data for debugging.

Xcase for i suite:


Re-Engineers your traditional DDS-generated DB2 for i database to SQL—quickly and affordably—without requiring changes to existing applications.


The perfect solution for understanding the nuances of your database, ideal for:

  • Automatically discovering and documenting implicit relationships
  • • Automating the creation of a metadata layer for faster BI implementation
  • Discovering referential integrity issues and the applications causing them
  • Implementing optimal declarable relationships without disrupting existing applications


For database engineers who have already migrated to SQL on IBM i, Evolve-DB provides advanced data modelling, impact analysis and automatic SQL code generation to keep your SQL database running smoothly and ready to quickly adapt to new business demands.


For developers of Database applications. Viewer-DB allows to share among all the team a common understanding and knowledge of the Database. Upon opening their model, modifications made to the database are automatically brought to their attention. Common diagrams are shared among all the stakeholders but each developer can create his own diagrams, focusing on what is most relevant for him. Each one can enrich the data dictionary with his own metadata and use the built-in scripting language to automatically generate virtually any database related code.


Generates compact yet representative and coherent test databases from production data. It can also be augmented from synthetic data to automatically populate new tables and/or create new cases to be tested.

Anonymize DB

Anonymizes sensitive personal data in Test databases to comply with regulations and to protect business data in development environments. The anonymization process preserves the coherence among the data redundancies within the database or even across multiple heterogeneous databases. Multiple and customizable anonymization methods are provided so that the anonymized data is compatible with the rules checked by the applications.

The Benefits of an Xcase for i modernized database:

  • SQL-defined database taking advantage of the frequent and deep enhancements provided by IBM
  • Model-driven database governance
  • Automatic synchronization between the database and the model
  • Detection of database data integrity issues and the applications causing them
  • Normalized and documented database
  • Improved performance
  • Generation of compact, coherent and representative Dev/Test databases
  • Anonymization and protection of your Dev/Test databases

We can manage your modernization project for you

No time to handle a modernization project in-house? We also offer a database modernization service that removes the work from your staff.