Resolution Software Ltd. specializes in affordable software solutions that facilitate database design, modernization and evolution.
Established in 1988, Resolution was a forerunner in recognizing the strategic importance of the proper design and maintenance of the database.

Resolution’s cornerstone product, Xcase, is a complete database design and modelling tool specifically adapted for today’s most widely used database environments. Used by hundreds of companies in a wide variety of industries, Xcase has earned praise from many members of its loyal customer base. Xcase is the foundation of a unique and thorough Database DevOps solution encompassing the entire Database life cycle.
SQL Expertise

More than 30 years’ experience company
Database experts (Solutions & Project Management)
Database design best practices: Our rich history of customization for specific database environments has resulted in tightly-integrated solutions with unmatched functionality and value.
Continuous improvement approach based on vision, customer feedback and projects implementation
- – State-of-the-Art Graphical interface
- – Supporting the complete lifecycle of the database
- – Advanced multi-platform database anonymization solution
- – Database DevOps Integration